SCEC Approved Locksmiths
Our SCEC approved locksmiths have a solid track record of delivering reliable high-quality services to government over many years; enabled by the capability, capacity, and culture of our organisation.
SCEC endorsed restricted key systems
We specialise in Master Key Systems, including government SCEC Endorsed Restricted Systems
Need advice on and installation of SCEC products?
Our SCEC-approved locksmiths provide professional advice on a large range of SCEC-endorsed security products and guide you on the best solution. CLASS Locksmiths is an agent for several SCEC-endorsed master key profiles, including Abloy Protec and New Generation Bilock. We specialise in designing, constructing, installing and maintaining these key systems, which have lifetime warranties.
SCEC-approved electronic safe lock
We are safe specialists and provide a complete range of SCEC approved locksmith services, whether retail, servicing, repairs or handling lock-outs. We specialise in government safes, containers and door vaults. We can also modernise your government A and B class containers by retro fitting a new SCEC-endorsed electronic safe lock. You’ll find it far easier to use than the older manual, combination locks.
SCEC-endorsed equipment serviced
Our locksmiths are fully trained and highly experienced at dealing with government clients on this type of equipment, understanding the importance of having it maintained to help prevent break down.
Our Capability, capacity, and culture
Our people are specialists in their own right and backed by years of experience in the industry and at CLASS. We have a low turnover of staff which means our team is tightly knit and intimately familiar with our strategies, values, goals, policies, processes, systems, procedures, and “customer first” requirements. We also place an emphasis on leadership, strategy, and structure/governance to manage the well-being and development of our staff and the organisation.
We have an emphasis on Research and Development which we pursue with technical specialists in the industry and we continually develop our staff through industry conferences and courses to further develop and improve their leadership, managerial, technical, and personal skills. We regularly take on new Apprentices to train the next generation of our workforce.
We prioritise a culture of total respect for all stakeholders and the environment combined with an emphasis on internal and external communication as the means to develop and continually improve our capability and capacity to deliver top quality services. Attention to workplace safety is included in all aspects of planning and execution.
We are committed to quality and continuous improvement in accordance with the principles of ISO quality management. Our Project Management Methodology is based on PMBOK – the framework traditionally used in construction project management. This ensures that critical elements of scope, risk, compliance, design, development, and installation are successfully managed to achieve the aims and objectives of the project, including goals of zero customer incidents, zero quality defects, and zero WHSE incidents.
Our SCEC approved locksmiths comply with the Commonwealth Protective Security Policy framework. These staff are trained, qualified, and experienced in dealing with government clients who have high security requirements and are prepared to address any directions or requirements issued by government.
The Security Construction and Equipment Committee (SCEC) is a standing interdepartmental committee responsible for the evaluation of security equipment for use by Australian Government departments and agencies. SCEC reports to the Attorney General’s, Protective Security Policy Committee, which was established by the Australian Government to develop and establish guidelines for protection of Australian Government resources.